Mr.Emin, #1 Math Tutor
Learn math, Top Quality Service
Mission: To make math your favourite subject :)
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Whether it's career planning, online tutoring,
in-person tutoring, or small groups review sessions,
I can provide you with the right support to reach your goals.
Experience Matters:
-Over 1,600 students tutored
-More than 13,000 hours of one-to one tutoring

It's been my privilege to have helped so many students in London, Ontario since my undergraduate studies in mathematics and statistics. My experience has taught me so much that I have come up with the most efficient ways to teach literally every topic in math. I wish I could sit down with teachers and teach them how to teach math. The quality of instruction in classrooms from elementary to high school to university level math courses is not adequate. It's the primary reason why many students don't have the proper understanding in
math they should have. With thousands of hours of private tutoring experience, you can rest assured that you will receive the best quality of math instruction you could ask for.
Well-designed Lessons:
Efficient Time Studying

Not all students think the same way, so why should they be taught math the same way? Why should they all encounter the same examples?
Due to my significant teaching experience, I can easily identify areas a student hasn't mastered that need to be worked on. With the well-designed math lessons, appropriate course level and adequate amount of practice, all students can reach their full potential. With the right teacher, you need to spend less time trying to understand the content and instead focus your energy on doing practice problems. Your time spent on math becomes much more efficient allowing to you focus more on your other subjects.
Before you give up on math, contact me for help.
Results Matter: High quality 1-to-1 teaching can help boost your grades

When you come to me for help, I will be with you every step of the way. I help students plan for future math courses by preparing them for what is to come next. There is no point in teaching you how to do something in grade 10 if that technique will be inefficient in grade 11. In almost all cases, my students get good marks that they are pleased with.
An improvement of 10-15% at the high school level and 15-25% at the university level are very common results. As an added bonus, about half of my students tell me math has become their favourite subject (it's certainly my favourite!). When you see your grades go up by double digits, it's hard not to like math. Math is the most beautiful subject and as such it should be taught by the best instructors.
What do my students say?

"I returned to Western as a mature student to attain a business degree in order to pursue a career in my desired field, one of the requirements for my career was to take Calculus 1000 and 1301. I struggled my first two weeks in Calculus 1000; the material was foreign and extremely daunting. I subsequently contacted Mr. Emin and he was able to explain the material in such a way that I instantly grasped concepts that would have otherwise taken hours of studying to comprehend. His methodology in how he teaches has helped me attain a level of success (in both calculus courses) that I would have never previously imagined possible. Best. Tutor. Period. Thank you Mr. E!” -Sam V. Calc1000 and Calc1301.
Read more genuine testimonials here.
What do I tutor?
I regularly tutor high school students from
Mother Teresa
Private Tutoring
Currently tutoring is available
both online and in-person. If you want to keep math fresh in your mind, contact me.